Mansplaining G-d

Atheism is nothing new, but in the years since 9/11 a plethora of new writers have occupied best-seller lists with polemics about the dangers of theism. Although the real concern may be irrational fears about Islamic terrorism, often these books take aim at Christianity much more fiercely than other Abrahamic faiths. Publishing is nothing ifContinue reading “Mansplaining G-d”

Tools of the Trade

If you are a fiction writer, chances are you have read a few books about writing. The ability to put words together to form a story is both a talent and a learned skill. Fortunately, help is available in honing your craft. There are good sources on everything from inspiration to publication. Here are fiveContinue reading “Tools of the Trade”

The Dying of the Light

When it comes to spiritual matters, I am reasonably open-minded. I lack the scientific and medical training to dismiss supernatural claims with confidence. I am at the same time not a conventional believer. The New Age field is a publishing phenomenon, with trade shows and houses that focus exclusively on related topics. Arguably the mostContinue reading “The Dying of the Light”

The Lost Parent

Unlike the autobiography, which tells a chronological life story, a memoir is a nonfiction book in which the author writes about a particular time or experience in their life. There are many subgenres in this category, including parenting, travel, reading, and various time-restricted projects, like hiking a famous trail or cooking every recipe in MasteringContinue reading “The Lost Parent”

Holding Back The Years

Publishing is nothing if not an industry of trends. Vampires, wizards, and mainstream S & M have all had their days, with subsequent years of knockoffs and copycats. There are also downtrends: successful streaks that decline into middling sales. One popular concept that is disappearing is the “my year of” projects. In these memoirs, authorsContinue reading “Holding Back The Years”

Celebrity Cringe

Celebrity memoirs tend to sell well, briefly occupying best-seller lists, despite the fact that they are disavowed by real readers, seen as indulgent exercises in public curation. The memoirist is the ultimate unreliable narrator, spinning tales with an eye on legacy and future career opportunities. There is definite truth to this stereotype, as well asContinue reading “Celebrity Cringe”

The Value of Browsing

Online browsing is such a fundamental of life that it is easy to forget its predecessor. If you are fifty are older, chances are you spent your foundational years discovering books by wandering at leisure through book stores and libraries. These things still happen, but they have become more antiquated. Indie bookstores have slowly disappeared,Continue reading “The Value of Browsing”

Voice Tricks

Some readers have a preference when it comes to narrative voice. The first person is intimate but limited, like listening to one side of the story. The third person is more expansive, like hearing multiple sides of the story from a more objective source. Some writers use multiple first-person narrators, a bridge of sorts betweenContinue reading “Voice Tricks”

Gangs, Guns, Prison, Poverty

I once attended a publishing panel featuring YA authors of color. The general vibe was downbeat, which can be expected from any discussion of fiction. Nearly 90% of first novels don’t get published, and those that do often make less than 10K for the author. It is a tough industry with a star system thatContinue reading “Gangs, Guns, Prison, Poverty”