The Best Books of 2023

10. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah The story of two sisters in occupied France, this is a gripping mix of Resistance history, wartime domesticity, and romance. Isabelle, the plucky heroine, joins a secret group that helps captured Allied soldiers escape through the Pyrenees. Her sister Vianne raises a Jewish child as her own after hisContinue reading “The Best Books of 2023”

Autumn Chills

As summer turned into fall, I found myself returning again and again to the mystery/suspense genre. PD James has opined that people like mysteries because they create an inviolable world in which justice is inevitably served. I think my own interest may be more pedestrian than that. I enjoy seeing where the author is takingContinue reading “Autumn Chills”

The State of Us

After the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, books about racism and race relations dominated best-seller lists for the first time. The term white fragility entered the lexicon along with critical race theory and antiracism. A reckoning with history took the form of dialogue about the social obligation to accurately represent Black lives inContinue reading “The State of Us”

Mansplaining G-d

Atheism is nothing new, but in the years since 9/11 a plethora of new writers have occupied best-seller lists with polemics about the dangers of theism. Although the real concern may be irrational fears about Islamic terrorism, often these books take aim at Christianity much more fiercely than other Abrahamic faiths. Publishing is nothing ifContinue reading “Mansplaining G-d”

Tools of the Trade

If you are a fiction writer, chances are you have read a few books about writing. The ability to put words together to form a story is both a talent and a learned skill. Fortunately, help is available in honing your craft. There are good sources on everything from inspiration to publication. Here are fiveContinue reading “Tools of the Trade”

I’m Looking Through You

One of the great enigmas of the suspense genre is how to pull off a huge twist. I have read about a hundred-fifty mystery books and only been able to predict the plot in totality a few times. Is this because the writers are especially gifted or could it have more to do with theContinue reading “I’m Looking Through You”

Time For Letting Go

It’s the end of the year, and I have been thinking about the books I’ve read, not just this year but for the past few. Four years ago, I decided to keep a book journal to track plot similarities in mystery/suspense books. The aim was simple: since I write in the genre, I was lookingContinue reading “Time For Letting Go”

The Reading Afflictions

Not everything is joyful when it comes to books. There are experiences that take the fun out of reading, such as the reading rut, the hostage negotiation, and the incessant replay. If you are an avid reader, you have probably experienced all of these. So what are they? I will attempt to explain. 1. TheContinue reading “The Reading Afflictions”

The Best Suspense

I read a lot of suspense novels, but I’m not sure it’s my favorite genre. There is plenty of mediocrity amidst the gems, including some shamefully misogynistic women writers. (Tarryn Fisher and Shari Lapena, I’m looking at you.) What I do know, however, is that when I love a book to the moon and back,Continue reading “The Best Suspense”