When people talk about books, I listen. Sometimes it’s a book I’ve never heard of. Sometimes it’s a book I’ve never read. Often there is a curiosity: am I missing out on something? How might my days be enriched by the experience of a new book?

I don’t know if it’s true that enthusiasm sells books, but it certainly commands the attention of readers. My approach to this is not democratic: some opinions carry more weight than others. If my finicky, trusted friends and family endorse something it means a lot.

Alas, you can’t get to everything. I have heard rhapsodic and repeated praise of titles I have never gotten to. Here are a few:


I’ve been told that everyone should read this book. It’s actually not one book but three: a tome, a trilogy. I was first recommended it in 1997.

What’s it about? I don’t know. I think there are mythological creatures in it but that it is not characterized as fantasy.


I’ve heard people say this is one of the best books they’ve read. You would think that might compel me to pick it up. Unlike TDT, I have never even owned a copy though.

The problem: I have never enjoyed a movie set in space. How torturous might a book be?


I know at least two people who have claimed this on their ride-or-die list. Not just anyone either: discerning readers. I’ve been to Franz Joseph near where author Keri Hulme lives. That would have been the ideal time to crack it. Imagine all the atmospheric details! Alas I was engrossed in something else.

Twenty years later, I still haven’t read it.

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